Manresa Association FAQ’s

Who is the membership of the MA?

Eleven organizations totaling more than 900 households have voted to participate in the Manresa Association:  Bell Island, Harbor Shores, Harbor View, Marvin Beach, Seaside, Shorefront Park, Village Creek, Wilson Point, Shore & Country Club, Norwalk Yacht Club and  Rowayton Yacht Club. Members of Norwalk’s sailing and birdwatching communities are also involved.

When did the MA begin and how often does it meet?

The MA’s first meeting was October 10, 2013. The MA meets every two or three months.

What is the MA working on?

The MA is focused on two areas: working with CT DEEP and the EPA to understand the contamination and remediation issues on the Manresa property, and working with the City of Norwalk in a public/private partnership on an Economic Impact Analysis of the 125 acre Manresa property.

2016 Accomplishments

• Secured agreement with the City of Norwalk for a public/private partnership to fund and conduct the Economic Impact Analysis of the Manresa property.

• Working with CT DEEP, deepened our understanding of Manresa remediation.

• Working with the CT Department of Aquaculture, made progress on identifying potential post-Sandy the LIS sediments contamination.

• Investigated NRG’s financial statements and found no accrual for the cost of remediating the Manresa property.

• Secured the Connecticut Fund for the Environment as a supporter and coalition partner in the effort to protect the critical open space and habitats of Manresa Island. CFE is the regional leader in using law, science and education to defend and improve the land, air, water and climate of CT and Long Island Sound.

Priorities for 2016/2017

• Partner with the City of Norwalk on the Economic Impact Analysis to:

  1. Conduct the Request For Proposal process to select the contractor
  2. Raise the Manresa Association’s 50% of the cost of the Economic Impact Analysis
  3. Conduct the Economic Impact Analysis
  4. Target to have the Economic Impact Analysis results available by the next annual meeting

• Continue to work with CT DEEP and the CT Aquaculture Department to advance our understanding of contamination and remediation issues.

• Attempt a constructive dialogue with NRG.

• Engage the Norwalk Business Community in the Manresa project.

How does an organization or neighborhood join the MA?

Any neighborhood association or organziation is welcome to join the MA. The association’s board must review the MA objectives and formally vote to join the MA.

What is the MA’s relationship with the City of Norwalk?

The Manresa Association has briefed the following Norwalk officials:

Has Connecticut’s DEEP (Department of Energy and Environmental Protection) offered any recent insight on conditions on the Manresa property?

Questions Arising from June, 2015 Manresa Association Annual Meeting
& Answers From DEEP’s Amanda Killeen and Peter Hill

August 2015

Have any recognized environmental organizations offered their support to the MA?

Connecticut Audubon Society  June, 2014:

“The Connecticut Audubon Society supports the development of a wise, balanced, and ecologically sensitive plan for the future of the Norwalk Power site. We will support a plan that would further the goals of the LISS, provide public access to Long Island Sound, be economically self-sustainable, and especially protect those elements of the landscape that are critical to maintaining the region’s biodiversity as well as its aesthetic and other beneficial values.”  

Mayor’s Energy and Environment Task Force  August, 2014:

“The Mayor’s Energy & Environment Task Force supports the Manresa Association’s objectives to pursue a balanced and ecologically sensitive plan for the remediation and future development of the Manresa power plant site in a way that benefits the Norwalk community.”

The Trust for Public Land  October, 2014:

“The Manresa site offers a once in a lifetime chance to protect an important area of coastal habitat, enhance climate resiliency, and possibly create areas for public access to the shoreline.  We strongly support the conservation of this site for the benefit of future generations.” 

Norwalk Land Trust  October, 2014:

The Norwalk Land Trust supports the efforts of the Manresa Association to see that the highest standards of environmental responsibility and best conservation practices are applied to the power plant’s disposition and that of its site.”

Connecticut Fund for the Environment and Save the Sound  October, 2014:

“Connecticut Fund for the Environment and its bi-state program Save the Sound strongly support the ongoing efforts to remediate, restore and protect the 125 acres of Manresa Island. The site provides the region with an enormous opportunity to enhance Long Island Sound’s tapestry of shoreline habitats, to provide for coastal resiliency, and to offer much needed public access to an increasingly limited coastline. We support a plan that ensures the property is safe for people and wildlife alike and preserves the site’s open spaces. CFE/Save the Sound looks forward to supporting federal, state, and local agencies, NGO’s and the Manresa Association as they work to create a plan for Manresa Island that contributes to a healthy Long Island Sound for current and future generations.”

NGO Sustainability  October, 2014:

“NGO Sustainability would like to be among those organizations supporting the effort of the Manresa Association to remove the toxic waste, smoke stack and coal/oil plant in favor of a wildlife/ people friendly preserve, with the possibility of a renewable energy facility included.”

The Nature Conservancy  October, 2014:

“The Nature Conservancy is in favor of the Manresa Island Association’s environmental remediation, restoration and conservation objectives for Manresa Island and the important role this coastal site could contribute towards the shared regional conservation, stewardship and coastal resilience objectives for Long Island Sound.”

SoundWaters   October, 2015:

SoundWaters enthusiastically supports the work of the Manresa Association to promote wise use and good stewardship of the Manresa site so future generations can explore and learn at this unique place. Having studied the Manresa site over the years, we know it to be a crucial habitat for key species, including the Diamondback Terrapin which nests on the site each year. The Manresa site is unique125 acres right on Long Island Sound. The Manresa Association is bringing together all neighborhood stakeholders to transform this once industrial site to add critical open space right on Long Island Sound: a jewel for us all.

Whom do I contact regarding the MA?

Charlie Taney, President of the Manresa Association